As most of you already know, normally VIXX members don't accept gifts, whether in person or in mail. We can only give/mail them letters, or things that can be fit in a letter envelope, e.g. greeting cards or photos.
VIXX P.O. Box Address (for letters and postcards)
Attn: Jellyfish Entertainment <VIXX - (Member Name)>
Post Office Box No. 1283
Seoul Central Post Office
Jung-gu Sogongro 70, Seoul, 04535
Anything larger than a letter envelope we can only send it on special occasion by application.
Special occasion includes - Music shows, radio, domestic and overseas performance (concerts and fan meet), birthday, individual schedules (musical, drama, press conference)
We have to wait for announcement on fancafe before submitting the application. Except for MUSIC SHOWS and CONCERTS. We can send the application to Jelpi in the following timeline:
Music Shows - Since 12:00am 7 days before
Concerts - One month before
Here I'm gonna use N's birthday as an example. I've never send any support as a group, so I can only show you how to apply as an individual. But actually except for a few info on the application form, there's no different to send as a group.
Basically, the application process goes like this:
Have your gift ready ahead of time
Download application form from fancafe, fill it in
Take a picture of the gift
Send the completed application form and the photo(s) to fancafe staff
Wait for reply
If your application is approved, send your package by the deadline
Reply the staff's email with the tracking info of your package
First of all, for birthday support, usually the announcement is made about 3 weeks before the member's birthday.
e.g. N's birthday is on 6.30, the fancafe announcement was posted on 6.8.

Go to fancafe 전체공지 board, look for post title like this:
[공 지] [2018 N 생일 서포트 신정 안내]
Keywords to look for: 생일 (birthday), 서포트 (support), 신정 (apply)
Download the application form. It's on the bottom of the post. The link only works on webpage version, not fancafe app.

The empty form looks like this.

Fill in your information on the right column carefully.
서포트 단체명 or 개인이름 - Your name (or group name). For individual, remember to write the same name when you put the "sender name" on your package. It helps the staff to confirm your package is pre-approved so it won't get rejected and sent back.
서포트 발송 희망 날짜 - The date of your support. e.g. For N's birthday, write 6.30.2018. For music shows or concerts, write the date of the event. Any date format is ok
단체 명 혹은 홈페이지명 - Name of your group (e.g. Canadian Starlight, Turkish Starlight). Or your fansite name along with URL. For individuals, just write 개인 or Individual
대표자 및 참여자 이름 - Fill in the names of the representative and all members of your group. If it's a fund raising project, write down the name of all people who made the donation. If you send the gift as individual, just write your own name
대표자 연락처 - Your email address
서포트 진행 업체명 - If you're hiring a company to prepare your gift (e.g. food or flower wreath), write down the name of that company, and also their homepage address if any. If the gift is prepared by yourself, just write 없음 or NONE
서포트 물품 - Content of your gift. List everything that will be in your package. Also include the approx size of your items if possible. Anything that's not listed here will not deliver to the members. If you're sending food, please make sure it doesn't contain any nuts
The completed form should look like this.

Send your application form and photos of your gift to fancafe staff.
For member's birthday, this is the format of the subject line of your email. [VIXX서포트] (MONTH)월(DATE)일 (MEMBER's NAME) 생일 서포트 (YOUR NAME)
So if it's for N's birthday, your subject line should look like this:
[VIXX서포트] 6월30일 N 생일 서포트 (JANE DOE)
If you're sending to a music show, e.g. M! Countdown, the subject line should be like this:
[VIXX서포트] 9월7일 [Mnet 엠카운트다운] 서포트
In content of email, just simply write a line or two in English saying that the application form and photos are attached in this email.
Or you can copy and paste the following:
서포트 신청서와 사진을 첨부했습니다.
감사합니다 ^^
It means "Hello. The support application form and photos are attached. Thanks^^"
Attached the application form you completed earlier, and also photos of your gift. Double check your subject line. Then send the email to vixx-starlight@daum.net
This is the email I sent in Sept 2017 for Hongbin's birthday. For your reference.
I made all the gift photos into one collage. And I also renamed my application form as the same name as the subject line.

Wait for the staff's reply.
In my own experiences, they replied in 1 - 3 days. If you don't get any reply at all, which means your application is rejected.
This is the email you'll get if your application is approved.

The email said the staff has checked your application and all items can be delivered to the members. It includes an address where your package should be sent (it is the address of Jelpi building). They also ask you to reply to this email and inform them once your package has been shipped. Include the tracking info too if your shipment has one.
Korean address
서울시 강남구 신사동 627-15번지 젤리피쉬 엔터테인먼트 2층 VIXX 서포트 담당자
English address
Attn: Jellyfish Entertainment - VIXX Support Manager
2/F, 627-15 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Postal Code 06024, Republic of Korea
* CEO Hwang Sei Joon has bought a new building in early 2018 and (rumor has it) they are planning to move the company there. No announcement has been made and no date has been set yet when I write this tutorial. So if the address you receive is different than this one, please let me know. Thanks.*
When you mail the package, make sure it arrives by the member's birthday/event date/or what ever deadline written on fancafe post.

I personally have applied 3 times on different occasions:
Birthday (approved)
Music show (approved)
Concerts (no reply)
I highly recommend sending gift on birthday, because :
Since the date is known already, you have as much time as you need to prepare your gift.
If you submit your application early, there's almost 3 weeks for your package to fly to Seoul. It means cheaper shipping fee.
Music shows is good, BUT:
You have much less time to prepare the gift (only from the time you know about VIXX comeback)
Since they only accept application ONE week before, minus 1-2 days waiting for reply, it only leaves 4-5 days for your package to arrive in Seoul on time. It may be easier if you're in Asia, but for me shipping from N. America, it's extremely stressful, and expensive too.
Be aware!!!!
If your application got approved but you don't send your gift, or the content of your gift is different from what listed in the form, you might not be allowed to apply again in the future.
And of course, sending gift to VIXX without going through the application process is a BIG NO NO!! Your gift will be returned and your name will be put on blacklist.
Updated Jun 30 2018