No matter how Kpop and VIXX go global, fancafe is created with Korean Starlight in mind. Most fancafe members are Koreans, and most posts are written in Korean.
"International Starlight don't like to follow rules"...?
Crop fansite logos, edit fansite photos, unauthorized reposts, quote retweets, text chat in Kakao solitary room... Unfortunately, whether it be on Twitter, Kakao or fancafe, that's the impression we give out sometimes.
Most of us don't speak Korean so don't even know there's rules. But, it's also our own responsibility to ask questions. If we're not sure, just ask. Many Korean Starlight are good at English. On fancafe most boards have a sticky post on the top listing all the rules. You can get the answer yourself by using online translators. There's also [For Foreigners] boards where you can comfortably chat and ask questions in Englsih.
My tutorials are designed to encourage international Starlight becomes more active on fancafe. It would be a shame if more posting and commenting in English ends up disturbing the existing order on fancafe, and troubling the staff to clean up the mess.
So when you're posting or commenting on fancafe, please:
Follow the rules of posting!! Post on the right board with right content.
Respect the cultural differences. Be polite, whether in writing or attitude.
Don't get too excited. Be mindful of your words choice. Keep it clean.
Keep your posts short and easy to understand.
Please don't ever complain about "No English", ask for translation of post, or demand the staff to provide English on fancafe.
Each board has slightly different rules, but the general idea is more or less the same. No matter what board you're gonna post on, follow these guidelines should be fine.
Don't use modified text, i.e. size, bold, or color
If you write in Korean, don't use single consonant or vowel. e.g. ㅋ, ㅇ, ㅎ, ㅠ
Don't use special characters, symbols or emoticons
The title length should not exceed one line
Write at least 4 lines/rows
Font size no more than 12pt
Address VIXX members in their real age. Be polite and respect
Use formal language / Use correct title & honorific writing (if write in Korean)
Don't post any private information of VIXX members, false facts or rumors
Don't feminizing or coupling VIXX members
Don't use words that are obscene, defamatory, abusive and sexual
Don't talk about other groups, singers or fandoms
Don't post any advertisement
Don't share your personal information
Use formal language / Use correct title & honorific writing (if write in Korean)
Do not make meaningless comments
Please make sure you're allowed to repost the photo/video
Please make sure you have permission from the original owner to post it
Please indicate the source when reposting photo/video
Don't post photo/video that is taken at venue or event where photography is prohibited (e.g. concert, musical...etc)
If a certain photo/video has been posted by other users for many times already, please don't post it again.
Updated Mar 24, 2018